Duck flavoured and lacquered with orange

Looking for that tiny detail to spice up your Mediterranean dishes? The Andalusian Pickled oranges are sure to excite foodies everywhere.


4 duck breasts of 160 gr or 5.6 oz each, skinned, trimmed
8 ground chicory stems
1 cup Andalusian Pickled Oranges BELBERRY
Milled black pepper and coarse sea salt
Fresh coriander

  1. Heat up your frying pan. Cut in the fat edge, season with pepper and a little coarse salt and fry, first at the fatty edge, in the pan.
  2. Fry 2 minutes on each side. Remove the duck breast out the pan, pour over the orange brine
  3. Cook further in a preheated oven at 160°C till ready
  4. Use the same pan to fry the halved chicory stems and brown them briefly
  5. Drain the fat and distribute the orange quarters and the rest of the brine to the chicory. Let it cook under the lid
  6. Remove the chicory and oranges from the pan and reduce half of the cooking juices to a fantastic savoury sauce
  7. Arrange slices of duck and finish with the chicory and the candied orange parts