Prawn, mango and hand-rolled couscous


24 King prawns 16/20
2 dl or 6.7 fl oz Olive oil
10 gr or 0.35 oz Baharat spices
Fresh coriander
400 gr or 14 oz cooked hand rolled couscous (pearl couscous)
5 cl or 1.7 fl oz Cameroon Mango Vinegar BELBERRY
75 gr spiced mango chutney BELBERRY
200 gr leek

  1. Heat your grill pan. Mix the olive oil with the Baharat spices. Pass the prawns through it and grill until it’s crispy.
  2. Let simmer the leek for about +- 10 minutes.
  3. Mix the lukewarm couscous with the vinegar and the rest of the olive oil and keep warm.
  4. Spoon the couscous and divide the chutney over it
  5. Finish with the king prawns, some wafer-thin leeks and coriander.